Our Blog
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Stay up to date with our latest news, events, and musings.
It’s about time we get together – and at the Christian Community Foundation, one of our favorite ways to gather is through our annual Power of Giving Celebration. Now, “annual” is applied loosely to this year’s event. If you’ve partnered with us for a while, then you know…
Oftentimes resolutions are inward facing. Focusing on fitness, committing to a yearly devotional or investing in healthy eating are good resolutions to keep your body and spirit well. But an outward facing goal, like being more generous, can not only be good for the community around you but…
As Christians, we’re called to demonstrate generosity and kindness daily. Giving is personal and unique to each donor, so at CCF, we encourage prayerful discussions with our Lord and Savior when you’re making gift considerations. Keep reading to learn more about why incorporating prayer into your giving routine…
One of the major benefits of granting through a donor-advised fund is that community foundations take on the administrative aspects of giving. Once a fund holder requests a grant, the community foundation handles vetting the grantee, check processing and distribution. A letter is included with each check that…
One of the great things about donor-advised funds is how many different ways you can give! Whether it’s liquid assets, appreciated stocks or property, a donor-advised fund is a safe, secure way to ensure your giving wishes are carried out efficiently. However, while there are many options for…
If you’re a donor-advised fund holder, how did you choose the community foundation in which you invested? For most fund holders, a recommendation from a friend or a trusted financial advisor is all it takes to make a decision. After all, the organization is a conduit for your…
According to Federal Reserve data, Americans age 70 and older have acquired more than $35 trillion in their lifetimes, making up 27% of U.S. wealth. In fact, Cerulli Associates projects baby boomers will pass down more than $70 trillion by 2042. While the majority of these funds will…
Are you interested in opening a donor-advised fund, but don’t know where to begin? One of the best ways to understand all of the details that come with having a donor-advised fund is to talk to a professional advisor. Talking with a professional advisor Meeting with your trusted…
Donor-advised funds make giving easy, effective and efficient. It’s like having your own private foundation! However, we know how easy it can be to forget about your fund, especially if you aren’t a regular giver. If you haven’t established a stewardship philosophy for yourself or your family, we…
Talking about giving is challenging. It’s deeply personal yet critically important to share. If we all band together to share our giving stories, we can make meaningful change in our communities. At the Christian Community Foundation, we’ve been carefully honing our language and defining our purpose. As we…