Hope For Memphis Fund
The Hope for Memphis Fund’s mission is to fund efforts to create more sustainable and more effective Christian ministries and leaders who are seeking citywide transformation. As a result of our continued growth and financial strength, all surplus funds earned from operations and fees from new donor-advised funds are added to our Hope for Memphis Fund.
What is the Hope for Memphis Fund?
The Hope for Memphis Fund’s mission is to fund efforts to create more sustainable and more effective Christian ministries and leaders who are seeking citywide transformation. As a result of our continued growth and financial strength, all surplus funds earned from operations and fees from new donor-advised funds are added to our Hope for Memphis Fund.
What does this mean for my organization?
As a representative of a nonprofit in our community, Christian Community Foundation commends you for the essential work you do in and for Memphis. Without dedicated people and organizations like you, Memphis would not be on the trajectory it is today.
We want to help your organization expand its impact, and one of the ways CCF supports our local Christian nonprofit community is through our Hope for Memphis Fund. Please read through this page to learn more about this fund, discover if your organization qualifies and apply for grant funds.
We make grants to Christian ministries and leaders in the Memphis area who are seeking community transformation through holistic, Gospel-centered approaches. To be considered for a Hope for Memphis Fund grant, your organization must meet the following criteria:
- Recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3).
- Have a Gospel-centered mission statement.
- Minister to an underserved population.
- Located within the Memphis Metro Area.
Please note the following categories do not qualify for the Hope for Memphis Fund grant:
- Churches
- Secular private schools
- Christian private schools whose student population is not primarily underserved
Now accepting applications
The Hope for Memphis Grant Fund application is open.
Submit applications before Feb. 28 to be considered during the spring 2025 grant cycle.