Our Blog

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Preparing your heart for seasonal giving

November is right around the corner, which means Thanksgiving is almost here! While we’re called to give thanks regularly – ”Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 – this time…

Reigniting your passion for giving

When’s the last time you requested a grant through your donor-advised fund? It’s easy to get preoccupied with the day-to-day and forget to give or to lose the motivation to make it a part of your routine. At CCF, a key way we seek inspiration is through His…

How to evaluate an organization before giving

When you give, it’s natural to want your donation to impact people, animals or the community. We will never tell you where to give, but we can equip you with tools to make wise, prayerful assessments that strengthen your giving plan. When you’re considering making a grant request for an organization out of your donor-advised fund, here are ways you can assess before processing the request. 

Talking with nonprofits about your gifts

If you have a gift spoiler in your life, you know it can make a birthday or holiday less fun when you know what’s wrapped and headed your way. It’s not the same for nonprofit organizations – knowing what funding to anticipate helps plan their operations and make decisions…

How to incorporate giving into life’s rhythms

Patterns create habits, and like a muscle becomes stronger as it’s continually flexed, your habits become more steadfast as you repeat them in your life. Whether the pattern is prayer, exercise or giving, making a concerted effort to do things regularly means you’re more likely to prioritize them…

Talking taxes and giving through a donor-advised fund

If you give to several nonprofit organizations throughout the year, you may find tracking down your donations is cumbersome. Nonprofits use different giving methods and platforms – some will send you a printed receipt, while others will email you a statement you must log in to retrieve. Long…

3 lessons on generosity

When you think of generosity in the Bible, do any stories come to mind? While you might recall some of those stories to motivate your generosity in life, you can also use them to teach your children, grandchildren, niece and nephews. If you’re looking to talk to the…

How to evaluate your giving plan

When you create a plan to give strategically, oftentimes, you’re creating systems to streamline and regulate your giving. These efficiency strategies help you give more money to organizations that need it by automating your giving. While you are giving generously, you may forget that you’re even doing it…