How to incorporate giving into life’s rhythms

Patterns create habits, and like a muscle becomes stronger as it’s continually flexed, your habits become more steadfast as you repeat them in your life. Whether the pattern is prayer, exercise or giving, making a concerted effort to do things regularly means you’re more likely to prioritize them in your life and schedule. 

Habits are easier to develop when the tasks are essential. Eating, sleeping, work and family tasks are prioritized over things that aren’t needed to keep your life running smoothly. But God calls us to be faithful and generous givers, so we must strive to weave giving into our lives. 

If you struggle to give from your donor-advised fund throughout the year, here are a few recommendations to help you build a habit of generosity. 

Mark your calendar. 

The easiest way to be a more thoughtful giver is to schedule time for giving. Making a monthly or quarterly calendar reminder will ensure you consider requesting a grant several times throughout the year. You could attach this reminder to a standing meeting with your financial advisor or a family event so everyone is on the same giving page. 

Create giving triggers. 

If a calendar reminder feels too rigid for you, we understand! You can make giving a more nimble, even fun, process by connecting giving to something you do regularly. Maybe your family discusses an organization to give to whenever you drive home from a travel-sports tournament. Or, you choose a nonprofit to support when you have weekly dinners with your in-laws. If giving is something you do independently, maybe you give a gift every time you finish a book or a television series. By connecting giving to something you do regularly, you’ll use your donor-advised fund more regularly.

Include giving in conversations regularly.  

When you talk about something, it stays in front of your mind. By making a concerted effort to discuss giving, you’re more likely to leverage your donor-advised fund. Talking about giving doesn’t have to be controversial or taboo—simply share information about nonprofits you love with the people in your life. This gives them an opportunity to reciprocate, sharing organizations you may not know about otherwise. Now, you’re reminded to give and have more organizations to consider! 

Connect with our team regularly. 

We don’t tell people when to give, how much to give or where to give, but we can help you work through your thoughts and preferences around giving. Our team is dedicated to helping you leverage your donor-advised fund to become a strategic, generous and impactful giver. We’ll gladly talk with you about your giving plan! You can fill out the form below or click the button to give us a call! 

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