Three ways to further support organizations you give to financially

Donors often choose to support causes or organizations close to their hearts when they decide to give. For example, if you adopted a pet from an animal shelter, you may be passionate about local animal rescue and welfare services. As your giving routine intertwines with your daily schedule, you may consider ways to be more involved with your favorite organizations or ministries beyond writing a check. Here are a few ideas to get you started:


Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.

– 1 John 3:18

There are few things more valuable than your time. We’re only given an allotted amount to live, so how can we make the most of it? One way is by donating (not only the riches God has blessed us with but) our time.

Did you know around 63 million Americans volunteer? That’s almost 25% of the adult population. When you include volunteers globally, that number increases to one billion. And with good reason – countless studies show there are health benefits from volunteering, including improving physical and mental health, providing a sense of purpose and teaching valuable life skills, and nurturing new and existing relationships.

If you’re looking for a way to make a difference and forge meaningful connections in your community, volunteering is a great avenue to get involved!


Thanks to the Internet, it can feel like the world is at our fingertips. While overwhelming at times, it can also be a wonderful resource to stay connected with family, friends and ministries that are important to you and your family.

Organizations love to be involved with their donors and volunteers – and it’s easier now than ever! Whether it’s on social media, via email newsletters or by snail mail, ministries are making an effort to connect with their audience to share organizational news, provide updates and engage with supporters.

The best part about subscribing to an email newsletter or liking a Facebook page? It comes at no cost to you!


Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

– Mark 11:24

As Christians, we’re called to bring our worries and praises before the Lord in prayer. No matter how important or insignificant your request may seem, God hears our prayers and will answer them. If you don’t already, consider adding an organization you’re passionate about to your prayer list. He watches over a group of missionaries as they travel to their destination, pray the items donated to the local food pantry will fill bellies and go to families in need – whatever you ask, know God is always listening and working.