It’s National Nonprofit Day!

August 17 is National Nonprofit Day! At CCF, we love being your conduit of giving to your favorite organizations and causes, but did you know there are ways to support your favorite nonprofits year-round without monetary donations? Here are three ways to boost the nonprofits you love in addition to your gifts.


Volunteering is a key tenet of the nonprofit space. Whether it’s working a shift at the local soup kitchen or food bank, passing out waters at a 5K or playing with kittens at the animal shelter, your service is integral to the success of these organizations. While we all have time, it is limited – so there’s no gift more valuable than giving up an hour or an afternoon to help others.

Engaging on social media

Social media allows you to connect with people and organizations across the globe. By following your favorite nonprofits’ accounts, you’re increasing their reach, exposing their content to people who may want to donate to or could benefit from their mission.

Sharing a nonprofit’s content is another way to spread the word. All it takes is one click to share a status about a request for blankets, nonperishable food or toiletry items, water bottles or dog food to alert your followers or friends to the need in your community. This also alerts those in need there’s help available.

Talking about the mission

The original form of social media is word of mouth! Share news of your favorite nonprofits with your family, friends and acquaintances when you run into them. Tell someone about your latest volunteer experience. There’s no better way to encourage someone to get involved than with personal stories and anecdotes.

If you’re interested in learning more about how you can help your favorite organizations and causes, give us a call at 901-682-6201.